2017 CSR Campaign Report

Grand Royal Group International’s CSR Programs

1. Environment   –   Waste Treatment & Control
2. Health   –  Eye Treatment, Clean Water
3. Education  –  School Building
4. Sport   –  Hanthawaddy United FC

Elevating Lives With Heart & Responsibility

“Being A Good Corporate Citizen”

CSR initiatives : 2016 and 2017

We aim to address the clean water issues and address water shortages in critical water deficient areas and educate villagers on the importance of using clean water and conserving this precious resource.


Access to Clean Water is identified as one of the Key Issues in Myanmar.

Our CSR campaign is centered on facilitating awareness, knowledge and access to clean water for Myanmar people.

Main focus of the campaign

Educational Workshops for the villagers to raise their awareness
about clean water, preservation of water, and other key concerns.

Building facilities (wells) to support the villagers providing them access to clean water for daily usage 

Critically We Do

Not just provide free water, but equip communities with
knowledge & awareness

Long-term sustainability of the campaign

Educational Workshops for the villagers to raise their awareness
about clean water, preservation of water, etc.

Not just provide free water, but equip communities with
knowledge & awareness is critical

Building facilities (well) to support the villagers to have access to clean water
for daily usage

Long-term sustainability of the campaign

Clean Water Project
(Kaw Hmue – Feb.2017)

  • Grand Royal Group International spent 320,000,000 Kyats (3,200 Lakh) on the Kaw Hmue “Big water” project which is located in the Yangon Region.
  • Grand Royal Group International provided the infrastructure for 3 water wells, 3 big storage water tanks, 5 public usage water tanks, water distributions process and stabilizers.
  • This project has impacted 10,000 people of the whole Kaw Hmue Region giving them fresh, clean drinking water.

Clean Water Project
(Meiktila Township)

  • In 2017 the Grand Royal Group International installed several water facilities in Meiktila township, Mone Tine villages.
  • The area selected is poorly connected to the outside world and has in the past struggled with access to clean water.
  • In 2017 the Grand Royal Group International provided a water well and built 6 public water distribution tanks at an expense of MMK 214 lakhs.
  • This project has impacted more than 5,000 people in an estimated 500 households.
  • Grand Royal Group International additionally funded 30 Lakhs to help form the Water Committee for sustainability of the project.

Eye Treatment : 2017

  • Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Laputta Township, Grand Royal Group International carried out its free eye treatment program at the township’s Ayarwaddy Division from May 8th – 13th 2017. The program was operated by the Union Ministry of Planning and Finance administration, in co-operation with the Union Ministry of Health and supervised by the Ayarwaddy Division.
  • The Laputta Township Organization, the Red Cross, local authorities and other social welfare organizations all joined and helped the eye treatment program. Grand Royal Group International also donated the cost of transportation, room and board, medications, glasses and any surgical products needed by patients that came to receive treatment. The program has assisted 5,363 people with eye treatment and 311 people with eye surgery. The program was held for 4 days, starting on 8th May 2017 till 13th May 2017.

Business For Peace

  • The following Companies coordinated and supported Myanmar’s Peace activities and together donated a total 430 Million Kyats to the National Reconciliation and Peace Center of Republic of the Union of Myanmar on the 15th of May.
  • Grand Royal Group International, Impetus International Trading Co. Ltd, Cycle & Carriage Automobile Myanmar Co., Ltd, Mercor International Company Limited, Alliance Properties Company Limited, AMMK Holding Company Limited and Heineken Myanmar (previously APB Alliance Company Limited).
  • The Grand Royal Group International was very honored to have had the chances to support the reconciliation and peace process for the Myanmar.

Sport- Hantharwaddy United FC

  • The Grand Royal Group International hosted the opening ceremony for the Grand Royal Stadium, the home field of Hantharwady Football Club (HUFC) on Saturday 9th September 2017. This event took place at Hinthar Street, close to Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda.

“Best Employer of the Year 2017” and
“Dream Employer of the Year-Asia Edition”

In 2017, the Grand Royal Group International received the two following awards: “Best Employer of the Year 2017” and “Dream Employer of the Year-Asia Edition” given by World Human Recourses Development Congress, The Employer Branding Institute, Asian Confederation of Business and Malaysia Institute of Human Resources. For the first time, these were awarded to a Myanmar-owned company.

GRGI rewarded 2017 CSR Excellence Recognition
By AMCHAM Myanmar

The American Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar (AMCHAM Myanmar) honored Grand Royal Group International, among the Top Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programs in 2017 for their CSR programs in the country.

The Grand Royal Group International had been awarded the AMCHAM CSR Excellence recognition in 2016 as well.

Tax Appreciation for 2016-17 Assessment Year

On January 22nd, the Internal Revenue Department of Ministry of Planning and Finance announced a list of the top “50 businesses entities who paid the most Commercial Tax for the 2016-2017 Assessment Year”. International Beverage Trading Co.Ltd, Member Company of Grand Royal Group International, was listed as No.6 in the list, as it had paid Commercial Tax under 20,000 Million MM Kyats.

Also, another category, top “50 entities who paid Under 2,000 Million MM Kyats in Income Tax for 2016-2017 Assessment Year”, placed International Beverage Trading Co.Ltd at No.30 in this category.

Myanmar Distillery Co.Ltd, another Member Company of Grand Royal Group International, has already paid 57 Billion MM Kyats of Special Goods Taxes for 2017-2018 Fiscal year.

The payment of tax revenues go back towards helping our country. Which we are proud to be port of.

On Going Clean Water Project

About this Report

This report highlights some of the key initiatives of our Corporate Social Responsibility program during  2017. It is intended to provide an overview of our commitment to our CSR programs for our investors, customers, employees, and other stakeholder.

More information of CSR effort and about the Grand Royal Group International can be found at grgidemo.koneloneshin.com


Grand Royal Group International
N0.33, 61/2miles, Pyay Road, Hlaing Township, Yangon.
+951 654938 to +951654949