2021 CSR Yearly Report

Grand Royal Group International’s CSR Programs

Grand Royal Group International (GRGI) has always been maintaining a high level of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which will contribute to sustainable development by delivering economic, social and environmental benefits to all stakeholders, staff, customers and most importantly the people of Myanmar in line with their motto “Being A Good Corporate Citizen”.

Create and Celebrate Happiness Together.

Our Vision

Create and celebrate happiness together through the innovative spirits in Myanmar, to drive sustainable growth for all the stakeholders.

STOP COVID-19 Yellow Campaign

Moving forward and maintaining the business continuity with new normal as one of the leading local manufacturing industry player during pandemic situation, Grand Royal Group International Co, Ltd (GRGI) held a ceremony which officially recognized the company as a part of ,”STOP COVID-19 YELLOW CAMPAIGN”. This initiative led by Yangon Regional Government and Yangon Regional Public Health Department, encourages workplace safety with the reminder of wearing masks, washing hands, and keeping 6 feet social distancing.

With the commitment of “Being A Good Corporate Citizen”, GRGI, during the ceremony, also announced that, the company together with its employees and management, had already raised cash donation amount of 200 million MMK for the purchase of COVID-19 Vaccines and via UMFCCI, the fund were transferred to the Fund Management Sub-committee on the Purchase of COVID-19 Vaccines under National Level Central Committee for Prevention, Control and Treatment of COVID-19.

Myanmar people working in Thailand to help prevent the COVID-19 outbreak

Mr Polapatr Suvarnazorn, Director of Grand Royal Group International and Advisor to CEO, Thai Beverage Public Company Limited donated 20,000 pieces of surgical masks, 100 litres of 72% alcohol and 20 bottles of alcohol gel to His Excellency U Myo Myint Than, the Myanmar Ambassador to Thailand at the Embassy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in Bangkok on 15 January 2021. These personal protection materials are provided for the Myanmar people working in Thailand to help prevent the COVID-19 outbreak.

Grand Royal Group International Co., Ltd. Contributed towards “Oxygen for Myanmar Emergency Campaign”

Grand Royal Group International (GRGI) Co.Ltd, recognizes the harsh times that the people of Myanmar is going through during this COVID-19 Pandemic. Working with the different Chambers of Commerce in Myanmar, GRGI is supporting the purchase of oxygen supplies for patients in need. 

We are proud to announce the donation of USD $10,000 to the “Oxygen for Myanmar Emergency Campaign”. This initiative of the EuroCham Myanmar, British Chamber of Commerce, the Australian Chamber of Commerce, American Chamber of Commerce and the German Myanmar Business Chambers will see additional oxygen supplies being sent to critically ill patients in Hospitals and other care centers in Myanmar. 

This is in line with our Corporate Social Responsibility creed of “Being a Good Corporate Citizen”. Our donation will go towards the purchase of 20 dual-flow Oxygen Concentrators which should be sufficient to support one township clinic of about 40 patients in a breathing center. GRGI is proud to support this initiative to help our fellow countrymen in this time of severe need and stress. 

COVID-19 Vaccination Project

Grand Royal Group International arranged in collaboration with Myanmar Chinese Chamber of Commerce for the vaccinations of all stakeholders: permanent staff, daily wages, promotion girls and boys, security personnel, including suppliers, distributors, and their family members with Sinopharm vaccines in two doses in August and October 2021 throughout the branches across the country.

Fishpond Farming by Treated Wastewater

In order to disseminate the knowledge that we could support our communities by fishpond farming of healthier and bigger fishes using treated wastewater from Wastewater Treatment Plant of our operation, Grand Royal Group International started the project with 4,800 baby fishes of four different kinds in Fish Hatcheries using the treated wastewater produced from Wastewater Treatment Plant at Yangon Distillery Plant, Hmawbi Township in June 2021. After six months, on 23 December 2021, we successfully harvested the fishes from the pond and donated the fishes to the surrounding villages of Lake Poke, Lower and Upper Thae Kone, and Kwin Lake Poke in the communities nearby Hmawbi Factory. We invited the town elders and villagers around Hmawbi Factory to have an observatory visit to show them the treated wastewater can successfully breed fish and the growth rate of fish is higher. The average harvest of Pangush fish (Nga Tan) is between 1.6 kgs to 2.5 kgs. We also gave away the harvested fishes to fishpond helpers, contractors, and employees from the factory of Grand Royal Group International.

About this Report

This report highlights some of the key initiatives of our Corporate Social Responsibility program during 2021. It is intended to provide an overview of our commitment to our CSR programs for our investors, customers, employees, and other stakeholders.

More information of CSR effort and about the Grand Royal Group International can be found at grgidemo.koneloneshin.com.