Moving forward and maintaining the business continuity with new normal as one of the leading local manufacturing industry player during pandemic situation, Grand Royal Group International Co, Ltd (GRGI) held a ceremony which officially recognized the company as a part of ,”STOP COVID-19 YELLOW CAMPAIGN”. This initiative led by Yangon Regional Government and Yangon Regional Public Health Department, encourages workplace safety with the reminder of wearing masks, washing hands, and keeping 6 feet social distancing.
With the commitment of “Being A Good Corporate Citizen”, GRGI, during the ceremony, also announced that, the company together with its employees and management, had already raised cash donation amount of 200 million MMK for the purchase of COVID-19 Vaccines and via UMFCCI, the fund were transferred to the Fund Management Sub-committee on the Purchase of COVID-19 Vaccines under National Level Central Committee for Prevention, Control and Treatment of COVID-19.